Solutions Removal of the womb has 10 entries with similar clues
- 6-letter words
- uterusWomb
- foetalRelating to the baby in the womb
- 7-letter words
- ectopicInvolving growth of foetus outside the womb
- uterineRelating to the womb or uterus
- 8-letter words
- in-uteroWithin the womb
- 9-letter words
- marsupialBandicoot, wombat, kangaroo, etc.
- 10-letter words
- lumpectomySurgical removal of a breast tumour without removal of the whole breast
- colposcopySurgical examination of the vagina and the cervix of the womb
- 12-letter words
- intrauterineWithin the womb
- 13-letter words
- amniocentesisTesting of fluid in the womb during pregnancy