Solutions Reveal, divulge information has 13 entries with similar clues
- 5-letter words
- inputInformation fed into a machine to give desired information
- letonDivulge
- 6-letter words
- revealDivulge
- impartReveal information
- 7-letter words
- confideDivulge
- divulgeReveal secret information
- 8-letter words
- discloseReveal secret information
- betrayalTreacherous divulgence
- 9-letter words
- blackmailThe demanding of money from someone in return for not revealing information that could disgrace them
- 11-letter words
- extrapolateEstimate unknown information from known information
- 12-letter words
- chicken-feedHarmless information divulged to enemy to establish credentials
- dig-the-dirtDiscover and reveal damaging information about someone
- 15-letter words
- spill-the-beansDivulge secret innocently or accidentally