Solutions Revive from unconsciousness has 15 entries with similar clues
- 4-letter words
- comaState of deep unconsciousness
- 5-letter words
- rallyRevive
- 6-letter words
- stuporState of near unconsciousness
- tranceState of unconsciousness
- 7-letter words
- shudderShake from/with fear
- refreshRevive
- rake-upRevive the memory of something forgotten
- 8-letter words
- blackoutunconsciousness of a snooker ball missing
- oblivionUnconsciousness
- narcosisDrug-induced unconsciousness
- 9-letter words
- rake-overRevive the memory of something forgotten
- stimulantReviver
- 10-letter words
- concussionTemporary unconsciousness
- 14-letter words
- twilight-sleepSleepy semi-unconsciousness induced by anaesthetics
- 19-letter words
- rake-over-the-ashesRevive the memory of a past event