Solutions Rhythm in music has 16 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- rapRhythmic monologue
- 4-letter words
- liltLight graceful swinging rhythm
- beatRhythm
- 5-letter words
- danceMove rhythmically
- 7-letter words
- prosodyThe patterns of rhythm and sound used in poetry
- cadenceRhythm of the voice
- 8-letter words
- scansionThe rhythm of a line of verse
- 9-letter words
- pacemakerDevice correcting heart rhythms
- keep-timeObserve rhythm accurately
- pulsationRhythmic beating
- 10-letter words
- bossa-novaBrazilian music, rhythmically related to samba
- 11-letter words
- syncopationOffbeat musical rhythm
- tap-dancingPerformance with rhythmic heel and toe clicking
- 12-letter words
- defibrillateRestore normal breathing and rhythm of heart by an electric shock
- 13-letter words
- defibrillatorMedical instrument used for restoring heart rhythm by electric shock
- 15-letter words
- ballroomdancingactivity in which couples using step patterns move rhythmically to music