Solutions Rocket trajectories has 18 entries with similar clues
- houRockets, on scoreboards
- padPlace for a rocket or a mouse
- nasaRocket-launching agcy.
- icbmKind of powerful rocket
- soyuzSoviet spacecraft or rocket
- missileA rocket-powered weapon
- bazookaAntitank rocket launcher
- bazookasRocket-launchers
- cyanogenGas used as rocket propellant
- blastoffThe launching of rocket
- launchpadStructure on which a rocket sits
- blast-offOf rocket or spacecraft, take off
- propellantA substance used to provide thrust in rocket engine
- trajectoryCurved flight path of a rocket
- step-rocketRocket propelled by successive firings
- space-capsuleSmall part of a rocket containing instruments or crew
- mixed-metaphorhomer apt, conceivably, to say it's not rocket surgery?
- multistage-rocketRocket propelled by successive firings