Solutions Satisfactory development has 34 entries with similar clues
- sdgShort for UN Sustainable Development Goals
- gagthe chicken dance, on arrested development, e.g.
- townSmall urban development
- wombDevelopment facilitator
- okaySatisfactory
- larvaInsect development stage
- crampRestrict the development of
- worstLeast satisfactory
- evolveUndergo development
- growthDevelopment
- tacticstrategic development
- evolvedUnderwent development
- atrophyLack of development
- nurturePromote development
- backwardSlow in development
- passableJust satisfactory
- adequateSatisfactory
- all-rightSatisfactory
- permittedSatisfactory
- prototypeEarly model used for development
- acceptableSatisfactory
- hunky-doryVery satisfactory
- mainspringPrincipal source of some development
- rough-edgesSmall flaws in something that is otherwise satisfactory
- keep-postedKeep someone informed of the latest developments or news
- breakthroughSudden significant development
- unacceptableNot satisfactory
- coup-de-foudreSudden development
- growth-hormoneIt promotes human physical development
- so-far-so-goodProgress is satisfactory up to this point
- forward-lookingOpen to new ideas and development
- up-to-the-minuteIncorporating the latest developments
- state-of-the-artHighest level of development at the present time
- world-trade-organizationAn international body founded to promote international trade and economic development by reducing tariffs and other restrictions