Solutions Sharp has 34 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- rapKnock sharply
- nipsharp bite
- jagSharp projection
- 4-letter words
- honeSharpen
- yelpSharp cry
- 5-letter words
- elbowSharp bend
- stropSharpener
- stingSharp pain
- 6-letter words
- thwackSharp blow
- screamSharp cry
- acuitySharpness
- 7-letter words
- riposteSharp reply
- pungentSharp smell
- pointedSharp ended
- 8-letter words
- hairpinsSharp road bends
- hawkeyedSharp-sighted
- marksmanSharp shooter
- 9-letter words
- rejoinderSharp reply
- whetstoneSharpener
- smartnessSharpness
- 10-letter words
- eagle-eyedSharp-sighted
- clevernessSharpness
- definitionSharpness
- 11-letter words
- sword-dancePerformance involving sharp weapons
- horseradishSharp tasting condiment
- stylographyEngraving with a sharp pointed instrument
- 12-letter words
- rabbit-punchA sharp chop with the edge of hand to the back of the neck
- peelerreview"This thing is SHARP! It handles potatoes and carrots with ease," e.g.
- hairpin-bendSharp turn on a road
- 13-letter words
- key-signatureMusical stave's collection of sharps or flats
- temperamentalSubject to sharply varying moods
- 14-letter words
- bearded-dragonAn Australian lizard with large pouch bearing sharp spines
- 15-letter words
- hand-brake-turnManoeuvre designed to spin a car sharply
- 17-letter words
- carborundum-wheelAbrasive wheel for sharpening tools