Solutions singing effect has 22 entries with similar clues
- 2-letter words
- lasinging note
- 4-letter words
- scatJazz singing
- altoSinging voice
- bassSinging voice (fish)
- 5-letter words
- choirSinging group
- 6-letter words
- unisonAll singing the same notes
- trebleHigh-pitched singing voice
- chorusSinging group
- 7-letter words
- hummingSinging with closed lips
- sopranoThe highest singing voice of women
- karaokeSinging along to a machine
- 8-letter words
- baritoneMale singing voice
- psalmodyThe singing of psalms
- 9-letter words
- glee-clubGroup singing part-songs
- vera-lynnSinging dame of WWII
- cantabileMelodious as in singing
- 11-letter words
- dawn-chorusBirds singing at daybreak
- comic-operaIt has dialogue as well as singing
- 13-letter words
- mezzo-sopranoFemale singing voice from lowest pitch to highest
- 14-letter words
- performingartsSection covering singing and dancing
- basso-profundoAdult male singing voice from lowest pitch to highest
- 15-letter words
- or-countertenorAdult male singing voice from lowest pitch to highest