Solutions Slope has 20 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- skiGlider for slopes
- dipDownward slope
- 4-letter words
- braeSteep slope
- 5-letter words
- pitchSlope of a roof
- scarpVery deep slope
- 6-letter words
- ascentA slope
- italicA sloped type
- scarpssteep slopes
- 7-letter words
- yieldednetted dry ski slope will bend the board conclusively
- skipolestability provider on the slopes
- slipwayA slope leading into water used for launching boats or ships
- 8-letter words
- landslipa movement of soil and rocks down a slope
- glissadeSlide down an icy slope
- 9-letter words
- declivityDownward slope
- acclivityAn upward slope
- 10-letter words
- traversingSkiing diagonally or almost horizontally across the slope
- escarpmentLong, steep slope at plateau's edge
- clinometerInstrument for measuring slopes
- 11-letter words
- declinationDownward slope
- gradiometerInstrument for measuring slopes