Solutions struck down, biblically has 15 entries with similar clues
- iconreligious picture of a coin being struck
- gongAsian musical instrument struck with a mallet
- smitlove-struck (literary)
- carryDistance a ball struck from the tee that travels through the air until it touches the ground in golf
- lashedStruck violently
- aghastHorror-struck
- bashedStruck heavily
- spearedStruck with a pointed object
- smackedStruck
- titanicenormous disaster struck it
- cue-ballIt is struck in snooker
- dulcimerPercussion instrument with strings struck with hammers
- xylophoneInstrument with wooden bars to be struck
- tuning-forkMetal implement that gives a fixed tone when struck
- friction-matchMatch that ignites when struck against any rough surface