Solutions Swiss mathematician has 29 entries with similar clues
- apSwiss brand known for Royal Oak watches
- uriSwiss canton
- alpSwiss peak
- aareSwiss river
- alpsSwiss peaks
- bernSwiss city
- berneSwiss capital
- eigerSwiss mountain
- rolexswiss luxury brand
- cheeseCheddar or Swiss
- muesliSwiss cereal
- chaletswiss lodge
- gruyereSwiss cheese
- lucerneSwiss lake and town
- emmentalA kind of hard Swiss cheese with holes in it
- racletteSwiss dish of melted cheese
- paul-kleeSwiss modernist painter and etcher
- alpenhornSwiss wind instrument
- emmenthalSwiss cheese
- matterhornMountain on the Swiss-Italian border
- apolloniusGreek mathematician
- pythagorasGreek mathematician
- cuckoo-clockPeak of Swiss achievement
- charles-babbageEnglish mathematician and inventor of machine computing
- sir-isaac-newtonEnglish mathematician famous for his mathematical description of mechanics and gravitation
- pierre-de-fermatFrench mathematician, founder of the theory of numbers
- carl-gustav-jungSwiss psychiatrist
- christiaan-huygensDutch physicist, mathematician, and astronomer who proposed wave theory of light
- evangelista-torricelliItalian mathematician and physicist who invented mercury barometer