Solutions Temporary settlement has 30 entries with similar clues
- tackTemporary stitch
- lullTemporary calm
- cotsTemporary beds
- hitchA temporary difficulty
- bivvyTemporary shelter
- locumProfessional temporary
- payoffFinal settlement
- glitchSystem's temporary malfunction
- colonySettlement
- sojournTemporary stay
- embargoTemporary ban
- interimTemporary
- scaffoldTemporary framework
- reprieveTemporary relief
- airstripTemporary runway
- sojournerTemporary resident
- makeshiftTemporary
- coalitionA temporary alliance
- moratoriumA temporary prohibition of an activity
- concussionTemporary unconsciousness
- provisionalTemporary
- anaestheticDrug that causes temporary loss of feeling
- scaffoldingTemporary framework
- out-of-courtOf a settlement made without the intervention of a court
- machu-picchuOld Inca settlement, now a major Peruvian tourist destination
- cold-storageState of temporary suspension
- hold-the-fortTake temporary charge
- running-repairsTemporary repairs carried out on machinery, when it is in use
- dead-cat-bounceTemporary stock market recovery
- suspended-animationTemporary stopping of most vital functions, without death