Solutions Top 10 hit from the 1986 album "Fore!" by Huey Lewis and the News (4 wds) has 7 entries with similar clues
- 4-letter words
- bymestand ...., oasis hit and 1986 river phoenix film
- drugHuey Lewis and the News hit song "I Want a New ......"
- 5-letter words
- lewisthe power of love hit-makers, huey .... and the news
- 7-letter words
- shudderShake from/with fear
- 8-letter words
- deadlockSituation from/in which no progress can be made
- 13-letter words
- iwantanewdrugTop 10 hit from the 1983 album "Sports" by Huey Lewis and the News (5 wds)
- 14-letter words
- thepowerofloveNo 1 hit by Huey Lewis and the News that was featured in the 1985 film "Back to the Future" (4 wds)