Solutions Travelling widely has 30 entries with similar clues
- repTravelling salesman
- memeWidely reposted image
- mythWidely held misconception
- soyaWidely-grown bean
- sedanTravelling chair
- flailSwing widely
- knownWidely recognised
- spreadDisperse widely
- circusTravelling show
- defuseScatter widely
- diverseWidely varied
- diffuseWidely spread
- berserkWidely violent
- minstrelTravelling musician
- farapartWidely separated
- assortedWidely varied
- dispersedWidely spread
- scatteredWidely spread
- seafaringTravelling by sea
- promulgateSpread information widely
- poriomaniaObsession with travelling
- dromomaniaObsession with travelling
- speedometerTravelling clock?
- disseminateSpread information widely
- questionableWidely disputed
- globetrotterA person who travels widely
- lingua-francaLanguage widely understood
- controversialWidely disputed
- play-the-fieldSpread one's affections widely
- bring-to-lightMake widely known