Solutions trend has 26 entries with similar clues
- 2-letter words
- uotrendy fashion chain urban outfitters
- 3-letter words
- hipTrendy
- neoRevival trend prefix
- 4-letter words
- buckOf a trend resist
- ketoTrendy low-carb diet
- 5-letter words
- macroEcon class focusing on broad trends
- 6-letter words
- insecttrendy school for cricket, for example
- insidelocked up trendy team
- jetsetTrendy group of travelers
- 7-letter words
- hipstertrendy person
- upswingAn upward trend
- popularTrendy
- 8-letter words
- ray-bansTrendy sunglasses
- right-onTrendy and socially aware
- increasegrow, get trendy, then fold
- 9-letter words
- patriarchFounder of a tradition, tribe, or trend
- a-la-modeTrendy
- precursorFounder of a tradition, tribe, or trend
- 10-letter words
- progenitorFounder of a tradition, tribe, or trend
- psephologyThe statistical study of elections and trends in voting
- mainstreamprevailing current trend
- 11-letter words
- teenybopperYoung person following the latest trends in music
- directionalStyle that point to a future trend
- fashionableTrendy
- 13-letter words
- sloane-rangerTrendy young Chelsea resident
- 14-letter words
- fashion-victimSlave to the latest trends in clothes, etc.