Solutions U.K. aviators in WWII has 22 entries with similar clues
- lstWWII craft
- ddayWWII turning point
- wacsFemale soldiers in WWII
- natopost-wwii alliance
- oflagWWII prison camp
- uboatWWII sub
- airmenAviators
- pilotsAviators
- arnhemArea by border invaded by servicemen in WWII battle
- chinditWWII ally using Asian language in court?
- molotovsurname of minister of foreign affairs for the soviet union during wwii
- tuskegee... Airmen (group of Black WWII pilots)
- ardennesLocation of the Battle of the Bulge in WWII
- mussolinisurname of the leader of italy during wwii
- tommy-gunLight American weapon of WWII
- vera-lynnSinging dame of WWII
- hersheybar"Tropical" treat in WWII rations
- baby-boomerSomeone born in the decade after WWII
- desert-ratsVeterans of the WWII North Africa campaign
- bomber-jacketGarment styled on those worn by WWII flying crews
- battle-of-the-bulgeLast major German counteroffensive of WWII
- the-night-of-the-generalsFamous WWII movie