Solutions Unauthorized absence has 20 entries with similar clues
- 4-letter words
- leakUnauthorized disclosure
- 5-letter words
- quietAbsence of noise
- alibiProof of absence
- 6-letter words
- healthAbsence of disease
- apathyAbsence of emotion or enthusiasm
- truantUnauthorized absence from school
- 7-letter words
- withoutIn the absence of
- silenceAbsence of sound
- wildcatUnauthorized
- 8-letter words
- alopeciaLoss or absence of hair
- albinismAbsence of pigmentation
- solitudeAbsence of company
- 9-letter words
- vigilanteUnauthorized law enforcer
- analgesiaA leg Asian twisted, but with absence of pain
- 10-letter words
- sick-leaveLeave of absence granted because of illness
- 11-letter words
- absenteeismFrequent absence from work or school without good reason
- fly-postingUnauthorized sticking up of posters in public places
- 12-letter words
- recklessnessAbsence of caution
- 14-letter words
- paternityleavedubious patter naively assuming earl gets paid absence from work as a new dad
- bills-stickingUnauthorized sticking up of posters in public places