Solutions Unit has 35 entries with similar clues
- 4-letter words
- acreUnit of area
- wardHospital unit
- hourUnit of time
- 5-letter words
- brickBuilding unit
- thermUnit of heat
- 6-letter words
- joinedUnited
- as-oneUnitedly
- add-onExtra unit
- 7-letter words
- onenessUnity
- calorieUnit of heat
- consoleControl unit
- 8-letter words
- squadronNaval unit
- moleculeChemical unit
- man-hourUnit of work
- 9-letter words
- megacycleFormer unit of frequency
- battalionMilitary unit
- disunitedLacking unity
- 10-letter words
- free-agentSomeone united by a contract
- brain-cellThinking unit
- army-corpsMilitary unit
- 11-letter words
- congressmanParliamentarian of the United States
- mutual-fundUnit trust
- confederateUnited with an alliance
- 12-letter words
- death-valleyDriest, hottest place in the United States
- polysyllableWord with several linguistic units
- 13-letter words
- hold-togetherRemain united
- british-islesUnited Kingdom
- kilowatt-hourUnit of work or energy
- 14-letter words
- yosemite-fallsThe highest waterfall in the United States
- stick-togetherRemain united
- trucial-statesFormer name for United Arab Emirates
- 15-letter words
- lord-privy-sealIn United Kingdom, a senior cabinet minister without particular official duties
- esprit-de-corpsSense of unity
- 17-letter words
- stars-and-stripesThe national flag of the United States
- intense-care-unitHospital unit for the gravely ill