Solutions Use ears has 12 entries with similar clues
- 4-letter words
- oticnotice about the ears
- 5-letter words
- auralLike music to your ears
- 6-letter words
- bassetBreed of short-legged hunting dog with long ears
- blytonwho created the characters noddy and big ears?
- 7-letter words
- ihopeso"From your lips to God's ears"
- audibleWithin earshot
- rabbitsFurry animals with long ears
- 8-letter words
- tinnitusMedical condition characterised by ringing in the ears
- binauralUsing two ears
- 9-letter words
- lop-earedOf an animal having drooping ears
- 10-letter words
- east-enderSomeone born within earshot of Bow bells
- be-ignoredFall on deaf ears