Solutions Wax candle has 20 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- ageCandle count
- waxWhat candles are made of
- 4-letter words
- wickCandle part
- sealWax stamp
- 5-letter words
- vestaWax match
- 6-letter words
- resealApply wax again
- tallowCandle fat
- bikiniType of wax
- 7-letter words
- candlesWax cylinders
- waxworkCandle material effigy
- resealsApplies wax again
- 8-letter words
- simonizePolish a car with wax
- fireworkroman candle, say
- chandlerMaker of candles
- 9-letter words
- cereclothWax-coated cloth in which corpses were formerly wrapped
- ceraceousWaxlike
- 10-letter words
- spermacetiWaxy substance in head of sperm whale
- rhapsodistExceptionally sharp poet, one waxing enthusiastic
- 11-letter words
- candlestickDevice holding a wax light
- 12-letter words
- ceroplasticsWax modelling