stroke-of-luck Solutions A fortunate unexpected occurrence has 7 entries with similar clues 5-letter wordsluckyFortunate7-letter wordsluckilyIt is fortunate thatluckierMore fortunate8-letter wordsupstartsArrogant folks open up in fortunate times10-letter wordsiluckedout"That was fortunate for me"11-letter wordsserendipityThe occurrence of events by chance in a fortunate way12-letter wordsprovidentialUnexpectedly fortunate
Solutions A fortunate unexpected occurrence has 7 entries with similar clues 5-letter wordsluckyFortunate7-letter wordsluckilyIt is fortunate thatluckierMore fortunate8-letter wordsupstartsArrogant folks open up in fortunate times10-letter wordsiluckedout"That was fortunate for me"11-letter wordsserendipityThe occurrence of events by chance in a fortunate way12-letter wordsprovidentialUnexpectedly fortunate