Solutions Unexpectedly fortunate has 25 entries with similar clues
- swoopAttack unexpectedly
- luckyFortunate
- egretunexpectedly greet bird
- waylayAttack someone unexpectedly
- accostAttack someone unexpectedly
- dropinVisit unexpectedly
- luckierMore fortunate
- fall-onAttack unexpectedly
- crop-upOccur unexpectedly
- unawaresUnexpectedly
- run-untoMeet unexpectedly
- suddenlyQuickly and unexpectedly
- interveneInterrupt unexpectedly
- strike-onDiscover unexpectedly
- fall-uponAttack unexpectedly
- iluckedout"That was fortunate for me"
- strike-uponDiscover unexpectedly
- serendipityThe occurrence of events by chance in a fortunate way
- be-caught-inUnexpectedly find oneself in an unwelcome situation
- indian-summerUnexpectedly warm period late in the year
- booby-trappedSet to explode unexpectedly
- stroke-of-luckA fortunate unexpected occurrence
- marthasvineyardunexpectedly, the army raids van from this massachusetts island
- deus-ex-machinaContrived agent who unexpectedly solves the insoluble
- take-by-surpriseAttack unexpectedly