Solutions Identical twins has 16 entries with similar clues
- 4-letter words
- sameIdentical
- peasExemplars of twinship
- ivanDave and Twins director Reitman
- 5-letter words
- cloneidentically copy 100 + 1 divided by 50
- rhymeHave identical terminal sounds
- equalNumerically identical
- 6-letter words
- geminiZodiacal twins
- clonesGenetically identical individuals
- 7-letter words
- unequalNot identical
- 8-letter words
- the-sameIdentical
- 9-letter words
- pantheismBelief that god and the universe are identical
- congruentIdentical in form
- dizygoticNonidentical twins
- 10-letter words
- inscribingcarving a message into twins' crib in gaelic
- wavelengthThe distance between two identical points on a wave
- 11-letter words
- dead-ringerSomeone who looks identical to another (slang)