Solutions October birthstone has 18 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- ciaJack Ryan's org. in "The Hunt for Red October"
- tenNumber that represents the month of October
- 4-letter words
- rubyBirthstone for July
- 5-letter words
- topazNovember birthstone
- opalsOctober birthstones
- pearlBirthstone for June
- 6-letter words
- garnetTraditional birthstone for January
- 7-letter words
- diamondBirthstone for April
- garnetsJanuary birthstones
- emeraldBirthstone for May
- 8-letter words
- amethystBirthstone for zodiac sign Pisces
- sapphireBirthstone for September
- 9-letter words
- turquoiseTraditional birthstone for December
- carnelianBirthstone for zodiac sign Virgo
- 10-letter words
- bloodstoneTraditional birthstone for March
- aquamarineBirthstone for March
- 11-letter words
- summer-timeMarch to October supposedly
- 12-letter words
- yellow-topazBirthstone for November