Solutions Remain has 33 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- ashRemains of fire
- 4-letter words
- leftRemaining
- restRemainder
- 5-letter words
- traceRemains
- staysRemains
- otherRemaining one
- 6-letter words
- scrapsRemains in rows
- lielowRemain in hiding
- adhereRemain attached to
- 7-letter words
- residueRemainder
- surplusRemainder
- 8-letter words
- keep-mumRemain silent
- faithfulRemaining loyal
- stays-upRemains aloft
- 9-letter words
- hold-goodRemain true or valid
- lingeringRemaining
- hang-backRemain behind
- 10-letter words
- stick-withRemain with
- tumbleweedBall-like remains of plant blown by prairie winds
- shelf-lifeThe length of the time for which an item remains usable
- 11-letter words
- staying-putRemaining in the same place
- the-last-ofThe only remaining part of
- 12-letter words
- beauty-sleepShut eye necessarily to remain attractive
- stick-aroundRemain in the vicinity/near a place
- 13-letter words
- hold-togetherRemain united
- unforgettableAlways remaining in the mind
- charnel-houseplace to store skeletal remains; hero launches anag.
- 14-letter words
- stick-togetherRemain mutually loyal
- kazuo-ishiguroJapanese-born British novelist, author of The Remains of the Day
- 16-letter words
- flotsamandjetsamremains from a shipwreck floating in water
- hold-ones-tongueRemain silent
- 20-letter words
- the-pyramids-of-gizaThe only one of the Seven Wonders of Ancient World that remains more or less in its original state
- 27-letter words
- kept-body-and-soul-togetherBarely managed to remain alive