escalope Solutions Thin slice of fried veal has 4 entries with similar clues 5-letter wordscrispThin slice of fried potato9-letter wordsschnitzelThin slice of veal coated with bread crumbs and fried10-letter wordsfricandeauA slice of meat, often veal from the leg16-letter wordswiener-schnitzelA thin slice of veal coated with bread and fried
Solutions Thin slice of fried veal has 4 entries with similar clues 5-letter wordscrispThin slice of fried potato9-letter wordsschnitzelThin slice of veal coated with bread crumbs and fried10-letter wordsfricandeauA slice of meat, often veal from the leg16-letter wordswiener-schnitzelA thin slice of veal coated with bread and fried