Solutions Unhealthy fat has 12 entries with similar clues
- 4-letter words
- smogUnhealthy urban haze
- 5-letter words
- stumpfather ted and father dougal visit st kevin's .... on their caravan holiday.
- 6-letter words
- miasmaUnhealthy vapours
- maladyUnhealthy condition
- sicklyUnhealthy
- 7-letter words
- malaiseUnhealthy condition
- 8-letter words
- stagnantUnhealthy from lack of movement
- 9-letter words
- prurienceUnhealthy interest in sex
- junk-foodUnhealthy food
- morbidityUnhealthy condition
- 11-letter words
- pasty-facedHaving a pale and unhealthy complexion
- 12-letter words
- pathologicalUnhealthy