Solutions Unhealthy food has 14 entries with similar clues
- smogUnhealthy urban haze
- obeseUnhealthy fat
- miasmaUnhealthy vapours
- maladyUnhealthy condition
- sicklyUnhealthy
- malaiseUnhealthy condition
- stagnantUnhealthy from lack of movement
- morbidityUnhealthy condition
- prurienceUnhealthy interest in sex
- indelicateIn food shop customer primarily had food lacking taste
- pasty-facedHaving a pale and unhealthy complexion
- delicatessenShop selling exotic prepared foods or specialist foods
- pathologicalUnhealthy
- girlmeetsfarmFood Network show where Molly Yeh prepares Midwestern food with Chinese and Jewish influences: 3 wds