Solutions Chemical twin has 36 entries with similar clues
- 2-letter words
- hochemical element holmium
- euChemical element europium symbol
- teChemical element tellurium, from Latin for earth
- 3-letter words
- oxoChemical prefix
- lyeSoap-making chemical
- eneChemical suffix
- 4-letter words
- ropetwine
- esaugenesis twin
- pangTwinge
- 5-letter words
- spasmMuscle twinge
- luigiMario's twin
- painsaches, twinges
- 6-letter words
- geminiZodiacal twins
- 7-letter words
- organicProduced without chemicals
- creeperTwining plant
- fermentUndergo chemical reaction
- 8-letter words
- bleachedChemically whitened
- moleculeChemical unit
- reagentsChemical substances
- 9-letter words
- catamaranTwin-hulled boat/vessel
- dizygoticNonidentical twins
- hydroxideChemical compound OH
- 10-letter words
- inscribingcarving a message into twins' crib in gaelic
- metabolismThe chemical process in a living body
- 11-letter words
- mustard-gasChemical warfare agent
- monozygoticIdentical twins
- scintillateTwinkle
- 12-letter words
- luminescenceLight emission at low temperatures through chemical or atomic process
- formaldehydea chemical to kill germs and preserve laboratory specimens
- split-secondTwinkling of an eye
- 13-letter words
- cloud-seedingRain making by spraying dry ice crystals or chemicals on clouds
- trace-elementChemical present in small quantities
- 14-letter words
- periodic-tableA table of chemical elements arranged in order of atomic number
- 15-letter words
- ethylene-glycolAntifreeze chemical
- sodium-chlorideChemical name for common salt
- notwithstandingdoting twin hasn't changed in spite of that